Meet our summer student: Misa Chihara


Hello, my name is Misa Chihara. I am an intern and a summer student at The Lighthouse this year! Partnering with local churches, I have had the privilege to work with migrant workers, international students, new immigrants and transient visitors since I came to Toronto. My interest in working with refugees and immigrants has grown over the years. I am excited to be a part of the ministries at The Lighthouse as I have started to see the amazing community here. The Israelites were commanded to love immigrants because God loves immigrants. At The Lighthouse, I see the demonstration of what this ‘love’ can mean. The staff members, volunteers, clients are working as one in a caring, inclusive and respectful way. I see that the vision is not just on the website or on the wall, but at work; “To establish and maintain well-being, safety, dignity and community for individuals and families affected by poverty, immigration stress, injustice and violence.”

The Book of Ruth reminds us of a flesh-and-blood experience of one family meeting and living the life which God designed for them. Ruth, seemingly with little public awareness as a widow and Moabite in a foreign land, met God’s provision; God had His care for Ruth. Who is our Ruth around us? Boaz kept the command in the land of Bethlehem to care for the vulnerable around him. Do you believe that in this world God created, including this city of Toronto, that He would have made such command if it was not possible for us to live together with the vulnerable in such a way? I see something amazing in this community at The Lighthouse. I am thankful and blessed to be here learning as we work together.