Our Core Values

The guiding influence for The Lighthouse’s core values is our CHRISTIAN faith and the desire to pattern our lives, deeds and interactions on the life, love and ministry of Jesus Christ.

We offer LOVE and COMPASSION to people of varying backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths, recognizing that we are called to ‘love our neighbours as ourselves’, and that all people we encounter are ‘our neighbours’. We are all created in the image of God, and are worthy of dignity and respect.

We strive for sound STEWARDSHIP recognizing that the world and all that is in it belong to God.  We use the resources entrusted to us to maximize positive outcomes in the lives of individuals, families and communities.

We are committed to SOCIAL JUSTICE, advocating for those who face systemic barriers to justice and fair dealing, and seeking to empower the most vulnerable members of our society, helping them find their voices and tell their stories.

We foster SAFETY and HEALING for those impacted by oppression and violence.  We facilitate the transition of individuals and families from past traumas and present challenges to future wellbeing and health.

We promote and work in COMMUNITY, recognizing that there is strength in numbers, and that wellbeing is facilitated through positive relationships.  We pursue relationships and collaborate with faith communities and organizations that share our values, and we enable those whom we serve to become integrated and contributing members of their own communities.

We seek RECONCILIATION and HOPE in a broken world – reconciliation with past suffering, with each other, with ourselves and with God.

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